Sunday, 24 February 2013

Wonderful Walks.......


I enjoyed a couple of longer walks last week with Em and the dog she is looking after.

Wonderful to walk in pastures new, see the area from another perspective......

Interrupted a few characters along the way! 

Sweet little stone cottage someone is lovingly restoring right next to the river....

Contentment after a lovely new walk......ready for dinner.... Ruby looking as if to say, "get on with it"!

Views which ever way you turn!

Blue blue sky...February light!

Love Olive Trees......

Enjoying the view, fresh air and exercise.......

He is a lovely old gent!

Zeus found a lingering patch of snow.....he loves it!

Ah...spotted the first beautiful Helleborus Cyclophyllus growing wild...a joy!

The village of Varano from a different angle.....

A lovely surprise amongst dry crumpled leaves!

Time for tea!

An inspiring collection of items someone has found...

Ruins are also the shadow.....looks like a heart!

Apparently these little slit openings were to shoot through during the war....

Spot them here either side of the door?
Quite a number of the properties have them.

These beautiful flowers were recently laid here in memory of a man from the village who had recently passed away.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Fall of the Beautiful Pine Trees........

If I hear the sound of a chainsaw one more time I am going to scream!
The destruction within our woods is unbelievable!
Someone has sold off 30 trees, or so they think......I can see the money grabbers have taken far more.
The enemy arrived almost unseen and began to take down the trees...trees that have seen history, trees that provided important habitation for birds and wildlife.....trees we loved.

Important beautiful Pine Trees......chopped and left to bleed.

Trees that lined the ridge and some from within the wood itself.
Great big diggers tearing the woodland carpet thundering through to reach the target.......

It can never be the same again..........