Sunday, 17 March 2013

Mimosa, Box of Oranges, Mauro's Pancakes and The Saturday Club!

Mimosa.........March 8th and it's Festa della Donna......
Traditionally on this day men present the women in their lives with a bunch of Mimosa.
It has a particular scent, not to everyone's liking as Em and I witnessed at a locals restaurant, when the owner turned to us pulling a face whilst shaking her head!!!
However, it's vivid colour is enough to brighten everyone's day and it's a wonderful gesture.
We were lucky enough to be presented with a bunch by Alice at our local bar, so sweet.

As you may already be aware, I love hunting around in junk shops and antique markets.
I had forgotten to mention this wonderful box, a birthday present from my Dad.
During the last visit I made with my parents to Stamford, we found  it in the place where we go for a good old rootle around!
I only just managed to get it back to Italy as hand luggage...a box within a bag!
Love old boxes, this one looks great filled with oranges, I have another 101 uses for it, so you may see it featured again sometime!!!
Thanks Dad, the best present!

You can be forgiven for thinking it's Pancake Day....although I guess it is...........unofficially!

Mauro makes delicious pancakes using home made flour from chestnuts gathered in our woods, during the month of October.
It's something all the contadini, take part in, another important time to gather a source of food from the woods.
I take enormous pleasure in learning more and more about the foods that can be found growing wild all around us.
More on that subject at a later date.

Mauro is adding aqua frizzante to the flour, nothing needs to be a fairly thick mixture, thicker than our batter we would use. 

Once the fire is hot enough and the irons heated, he pours a spoonful of the mixture into the centre, before closing them back over the fire.

Oh, nearly forgot to mention the lard he rubs over the irons heating it before spooning the pancake mix......lard without salt added!

Looking tired but enjoying fresh natural nasty additives in this neck of the woods!
We had already had a long lunch session at our other neighbours.....just happened to be passing with the dogs and Mauro decided to show us how he makes pancakes!
It would be rude to say "no"!

The fire irons, (not sure of the proper name), are old ones been in the family since way back when they used to live in this sweet little house. These days Mauro uses the place to make a coffee or pancakes whilst tending his Orto.

The really crispy pancakes would be fantastic quartered and stuck in gelato instead of a my opinion!

Yesterday we hosted the Saturday Club....something I have only done once before but it went really well.
It was partly as a thank you to Segio, Mauro and Laura's cousin who had so kindly fitted us up with his generator when we had a big problem with the electrics recently.
Everyone rallies for each other here, a great feeling of whatever is needed we will sort it!

We served local rustic food simply!
Antonio's mortadella which is a softer salami made from pork, focaccia from a neighbouring village.....kind of want to make my own with fresh herbs from the garden but working up to it!!!
Local home made cheese and I bought a plate of pastacini,(miniature cakes), from a great little's all a Saturday treat!

Em's sticking to water!

Always much laughter and loud chatter......I love that, no sitting quietly around the table in Italy!!!

Everyone helps themselves.....part of the family, no sitting waiting to be served. If you want something you take it!

Mauro loved the Remy Martin we had left over from Christmas!!!

Joking and playing the fool, Sergio turned out to be quite a character!!!

They all brought wine from their own vineyards!

Much fun and gesticulation........a language in itself!
We must have sat for four hours, and when they decided to took another hour out in the garden!
Sergio has offered help with driving a digger to move earth before we lay some turf around the immediate area of the house....."an English garden," they all say!
That is probably the only English part of our plans.....funny how typically they each take over, talking over one another, excited, passionate in their thoughts and with what they think we should do....hysterical!!! 
They wouldn't be Italian if they didn't....our neighbours we have grown to love X


1 comment:

  1. Once again Karen, lovely blog . Written so well feel I could there
